IFM-SEI is looking for 4 experienced and motivated trainers to join the international training team for our upcoming training course - Peers 2.0: Peer Education for Democratic Citizenship - in partnership with the Council of Europe. The seminar will be an extended Training of Trainers for peer educators in democratic citizenship. The training will bring together 30 participants aged 18-30 years old. The deadline to apply is Wednesday 21 November 2018 (23:59 CET).

The basics

Where and when:

• Preparatory meeting: 14-17 December 2018, European Youth Centre Budapest (inclusive of travel days)
• Training course: 22 February – 3 March 2019, European Youth Centre Budapest (inclusive of travel days)

Who: Experienced international trainers aged 18-35 from Council of Europe member states

Aim: promote democratic citizenship on a local, national and international level by creating a European-wide network of highly competent and skilled young peer educators and trainers


1. Empower, train and support 25 young people to become peer educators and trainers in the field of democratic citizenship
2. Provide a space for young trainers to discover, share and analyse different approaches, policy, and tools in peer education and training with a focus on Council of Europe's work
3. Establish in IFM-SEI Pool of Peer Educators and Trainers that can deliver training and education on democratic citizenship on a local, national and international level
4. Develop quality standards in non-formal education for IFM-SEI and its member organisations

Role of the trainer

• Attend a preparation meeting in Budapest

• Be in regular communication with other team members, including through regular email communication and participation in virtual meetings

• Design the programme and methodologies of the training, including preparing training session outlines

• Design and implement a series of webinars and e-learning for the participants

• Deliver the study session as a team, taking responsibility for specific parts of the programme

• Evaluate the programme and provide an oral and/or written evaluation

• Support the participants in their learning and understanding, including one-to-one mentoring during and after the training

Profile of the trainer - essential criteria

• Be 18-35 years old

• Be active in an IFM-SEI member organisation or a sister organisation of IFM-SEI

• Have extensive experience as a trainer and/or facilitator on a European or international level

• Have completed a European or international level Training of Trainers as a participant

• Have a strong working understanding of IFM-SEI and socialist education

• Have a strong background in non-formal education theory and practice, including Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

• Have experience with working with groups comprised of participants with different levels of knowledge and experience

• Have intercultural sensitivity and experience in working with international groups

• Be a good team player

• Be able to communicate confidently English

Profile of the trainer - desirable criteria

• Delivered Training of Trainers courses on a national, European or international level

• Expertise in designing and implementing e-learning modules/courses

• Experience in developing quality standards in non-formal education

• Working knowledge of the Council of Europe’s CM/Rec(2017)4 Recommendation on Youth Work and Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education

• Experience in one-to-one mentoring of young people in the context of education and training

Application process

We are looking for 4 trainers to join the team in addition to Carly Walker-Dawson (Course Director) and Sabine Klocker (Council of Europe trainer).

If you are interested in joining our team and have the necessary skills and experience in line with the criteria above, please send a motivation letter to outlining the following (up to one page of A4) by Wednesday 21 November 2018 (23:59 CET):

• Your motivation

• Your expectations of training

• Your experience related to the criteria

• What unique qualities you can bring to the team and to the training

• How you would deal with conflicts or difficulties in the group of participants

• How you can guarantee your commitment to the project duration

Next steps

If you have any questions please contact Carly (Course Director) at Deadline for applications is Wednesday 21 November 2018 (23:59 CET). In the case of applicants from IFM-SEI member organisations, successful applicants’ organisations will be contacted for approval. All applicants will be contacted within two weeks of the deadline with the outcome of their application. This project is generously supported by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe.


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