We are very pleased to announce that the XXVIII Ordinary Congress of IFM-SEI will take place on 28-29 June 2019 (excluding arrival and departure days) in Tbilisi, Georgia, hosted by our friends, the Georgian Falcons. We would ask for you to put the dates in your diary now - we hope that all of our organisations are able to send delegates to our highest-level decision-making body.

What is the IFM-SEI Congress?

The IFM-SEI Congress is our opportunity as a democratic, membership-based movement to contribute to the development of our international work, to consider how to work together best for the achievement of our aims and principles, and to motivate and empower our members for the work ahead. We will be adopting our new Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22, electing the new leadership of our organisation, and discussing amendments to our Constitution together in Tbilisi.

According to the IFM-SEI Constitution (2016):

6.1  The Congress is the supreme body of IFM-SEI. It shall be convened three years after its last meeting. Invitations shall be issued by the Presidium. The Congress shall be convened at the latest six months before the day of Congress opening.

Virtual International Committee

In line with the IFM-SEI Constitution (2016), it is required to have virtual International Committee meeting in line with the following:

6.7  The International Committee shall, six months before the opening of Congress, decide on the rules of procedure of the Congress and appoint a Mandates Commission of 3 people to advise Congress of the number of delegates, allocated votes and to record the elections. The Mandates Commission must include at least one woman. The Congress must ratify decisions of the International Committee.

6.8  The International Committee shall ratify the election by the Presidium of a Nominations Commission of five people. The Commission shall receive and check the nominations for the different posts of IFM-SEI. The Nominations Commission shall play no role in deciding the outcome of the election, but should ensure it is fair, open and conducted according to IFM-SEI rules and principles

Therefore an International Committee will take place on Sunday 2 December 2018 at 1pm (Central European Time) via an online conferencing system. All member and candidate organisations are invited to send delegates to this meeting.

Next steps

The calls for nominations and a detailed agenda, together with the draft Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22 and other Congress documents will be circulated to all members according to the Congress timetable. The convening notice, call for nominations and the deadlines for the Congress will be distributed six months in advance of the XXVIII Congress of IFM-SEI.

During the next months, the IFM-SEI Presidium and Resolutions and Work Plan Commission will seek your input into the new Strategy and Work Plan 2019-22. It is vital that all of our members have a chance to feed into this drafting process in order to shape the future work and direction of our movement. We are looking forward to hearing your input in the coming months.

If you have any questions or queries please get in touch with the IFM-SEI secretariat at contact@ifm-sei.org.


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