The IFM-SEI Accessibility Network wants your help in making IFM-SEI more accessible! Following IFM-SEI’s strategic work plan, we want to bring together motivated young people who can contribute to the accessibility strategy of IFM-SEI.

We are looking for young motivated people from the different IFM-SEI regions to join the working group! The network members will lead the work on the accessibility area during the next year, until Congress 2019 (May, June or July 2019) with a possibility to continue afterwards. The working group will meet online regularly.

About IFM-SEI Accessibility Network

The Accessibility Network was created as a result of the All In study session that took place in November of 2016. The study session ran by IFM-SEI and ENIL (European Network of Independent Living) was on the topic of inclusion, disability rights and children's rights. The seminar concluded with a report which you can find here.

Since then the network has been relatively inactive but will hopefully be back up and running with your input.


IFM-SEI runs a number of events each year; whether that's a study session, a working group, an online seminar or an international camp.

At these events, we aim to empower young people to take an active role in society and to fight for their rights. We work on combating things that can restrict young people from having their say in society and the world around them.

Sometimes, however, we forget to consider the accessibility of these events and how these different topics can intersect. Moving forward we want all our events, both online and off to be accessible to all. Together we can accomplish our goal and make it happen!

In line with the main areas of the strategic work plan that the working group will work on are:

1- Creating a guide for making organisations accessible

  • - Creating a guide for IFM-SEI and other organisations about how to make voluntary organisations and their activities accessible and inclusive.
  • - Working on how to adapt non-formal education methods in children’s and youth organisations for children with disabilities
  • - Promoting the guide externally as well as within IFM-SEI

2-Developing a strategy and creating an action plan to make all IFM-SEI accessible for people with disabilities

  • - Developing a strategy to include more children and young people with disabilities in our work
  • - In line with the outcomes of All In study session, creating a long-term action plan to make all IFM-SEI activities accessible to children, young people and leaders with physical, sensory and cognitive disabilities
  • - Through an intersectional approach relating accessibility to all of the thematic areas covered in the IFM-SEI working plan
  • - Promoting and encouraging member organisations to employ the recommendations

3-Making our resources and events more accessible

  • - Consulting young people with accessibility needs before finalising the design of our resources
  • - Having our events physically more accessible; wheelchair ramps, car pickups, and lifts in accommodation.

There is also the possibility that the working group will develop other areas of work or projects on the topics of the network if new ideas come up and there is a need/desire from member organisations.

If you are interested in joining the accessibility network, please fill the application form by 21 October 2018.

Please note that being able to communicate and work in English is a must for members of this network, as the vast majority of the work will be done online and translation cannot be provided.




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