Within the framework of the European Falcon Network, we are currently looking for partner organisations for the international project Spotlight on Youth, open to all European IFM-SEI member organisations. The project will be hosted by Kinderfreunde in Austria. In order to participate, you must provide the information outlined in the call for partners and, send the filled and signed partnership form (mandate) below by Thursday 20 September 2018. Please send your email to basak@ifm-sei.org.

Read the full Call for European partners- Spotlight on Youth  and find the mandate to be completed.


It’s going to be a great Erasmus+ Youth Exchange with around 8 different organisations and each 4 participants, 1 teamer and a small international team, happening in the south of Austria. It’s influenced by the concept of a youth EFN (European Falcon meeting) and based on the idea to make our organisation structures more open and inclusive for young people to be able to foster participation on every level. The Youth Exchange is aiming for empowering young people from our organisations to get active in our own decision making bodies and giving them tools to think global and act local.

Participation is in the spotlight! The project is a cooperation between IFM-SEI (International Falcon Movement-Socialist Educational International) and Österreichische Kinderfreunde/ Rote Falken. Through implementing this Youth Exchange we not only target to make our organisations more accessible and participative but also to open IFM-SEI’s structures for young people and kids by the input an expertise of its member organisations and close-minded organisations.

Within ten days we’ll experience different non-formal education methods and will reflect on our structures as well as accessibility in general. The second part of the Youth Exchange will happen parallel to the International Summer Camp of Kinderfreunde where we still have our own programme but will have the opportunity to share our results with the camp and create some programme for them.

Location and date

 The proposed activity would take place on 15-25 July 2019, including arrival and departure days. The location is the Kinderfreunde/Falken-camp which is situated in the south of Austria in the federal state Carinthia, next to the Millstätter-lake.

As part of the programme the participants of the project will also visit the International Summer Camp of Kinderfreunde that happens every year and bring together hundreds of people and will have the opportunity to share the results with the camp and create some programme for them.


The Kinderfreunde/Falken-camp is situated in the south of Austria in the federal state Carinthia, next to the Millstätter-lake. During the next summer period, we’ll have an international summer camp happening partwise parallel to the Youth Exchange (20- 31  July 2019). That is how we’ve started to create a democracy model which is always a must-have of the summer camp program to make it more participatory and inclusive and was the start of wish for youth participation.

Due to the fact, that during our stay it will be summer and probably warm, we’ll plan to camp in tents to have maximum camp-feeling. If someone does not feel comfortable, we will arrange a place in a cabin but we entrust you to try it. If you like further information, do not hesitate to have a look on our website or get in contact with our office. www.falkencamp.com

All about the teamers and participants

We are looking for 4 participants (gender-balanced) in the age between 14-17 years who are active within their organisation and interested and motivated to shape the future of their participation possibilities. This group of youngsters should be accompanied by 1 teamer (team leader). This person should be an active group leader and or board member (active in its organisation), familiar with its participation possibilities and 21 years old.

At the APV (Advanced Project Visit) we’ll invite 1 Teamer + 1 Youngster (under 18) from each organisation to plan the project further and get input from the participating organisations.


There is a suggested participation fee per person:

  • »40€ - participants from Austria, Belgium, Catalonia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and guest organisations
  • »20€ - participants from Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovakia, Turkey


All costs for accommodation, food, materials are fully covered by the funding of the Erasmus+ program (only during the stay at the project). According to the new rules within the Erasmus+ Programme, travel costs are reimbursed according to km-distances from the hometown to the venue (Döbriach).

Maximum Travel Reimbursement to/from Döbriach:

  • » 100 – 499km 180€/ Person
  • » 500 – 1999km 275€/ Person
  • » 2000-2999km 360€/ Person
  • » 3000 – 3999km 530€/ Person
  • » 4000 – 7999km 820€/ Person
  • » >8000km 1.100€/ Person

Only this maximum unit will serve as a reimbursement for your whole sum, which you spent on all your tickets, including local travel in your country as well as within Austria. If you need to apply for a Visa with your group please let us know when you send us the mandate with an approximate amount what it will cost. In case you don’t inform us about it, the visa costs need to be paid by yourself.

Commitments of partner organisations

  • » Completion of the entire project
  • » Attend at least 90% of all sessions during the Reach Out seminar
  • » Participate in all virtual online meetings and webinars during the preparation process
  • » Arrange comprehensive travel insurance for all participants and delegation leaders at the expense of the organisation or individual
  • » Deliver at least one preparation meeting with all participants in your delegation, where competences are compiled, expectations gathered and learning needs identified
  • » Complete any preparation, mentoring and evaluation tasks
  • » Provide any information and registration data by given deadlines

What do I need to provide as a partner?

Applicant organisations must provide IFM-SEI with the following information by 20 September 2018:

  • » PIC number
  • » Legal representative: title, gender, first name, family name, position, email, telephone, address if different from the organisation (optional), department (optional)
  • » Contact person: title, gender, first name, family name, position, email, telephone, address if different from the organisation (optional), department (optional)
  • » Please briefly present your organisation.
  • » What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this application?
  • »  Please give information on the key staff/persons involved in this application and on the competences and previous experience that they will bring to the project.
  • » Have you applied for/received a grant from any European Union programme in the 12 months preceding this application? If yes: EU programme, year, project identification or contract number, applicant/beneficiary name

We hope the short introduction convinced you to be part of the project. We are looking forward to a great Youth Exchange!


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