The 10th edition of YO!Fest (Youth Opinion Festival), Europe's biggest youth political festival is taking place this June in Strasbourg, France. As well as running several workshops at the event, IFM-SEI is sending a delegation, which YOU can be part of!

This event is organised by the European Youth Forum and combines debates, workshops, talks, exhibitions and performances to celebrate what it means to be a young European.

There are five hubs at the event: Keeping up with the Digital Revolution, Staying Alive in Turbulent Times, Working out for a Stronger Europe, Protecting our Planet and Calling for a Fair Share. IFM-SEI falls under the Calling for a Fair Share hub running activities covering migration, prevention of sexual violence and the effects of climate change.

Check out the European Parliament website for more info!

When and what?

The event itself is the 1-2nd of June but participants are required to stay from the 31st until the 3rd so they can be present for the whole event.

The event will be packed full of daytime and evening activities covering a wide range of interesting topics. A wide range of organisations based all over Europe are hosting activities at the event. This is the third consecutive year IFM-SEI has taken part in YO!Fest and hopefully the best year yet!


European Parliament, Strasbourg, France

How to get there?

Strasbourg has a train station as well as an airport so it’s easy to arrive by train or plane. The actual site and accommodation can be reached by Strasbourg’s public transport. For any tips or help with travel, don’t hesitate to contact us here in the office at office@ifm-sei.rog.


Applications to be part of the IFM-SEI delegation of 18 participants open to all members under the age of 30. The application process goes through  IFM-SEI’s secretariat and your own organisation will confirm your place. Successful applicants will need to help run the activities proposed by us. So if you want to join us, take into account that this is expected of you.


Please fill in this form ASAP with a final deadline for applications on the 25th January so we can see who wants to join us from IFM-SEI, when the delegation is made we you will receive you’re tickets for the event itself. Don’t buy your travel until IFM-SEI’s secretariat has confirmed your participation.

How much?

The event itself is FREE!

Travel reimbursements are made after the event and are €0.045/km considering the most direct road route for a return journey from your start generation. Travel purchases are made by and at the expense of participants. To get the full reimbursement back we advise you to look for the cheapest, greenest travel route. If you need any help with your travel booking, again don’t hesitate to contact us here at

Accommodation and breakfast

Accommodation and breakfast are paid for but we expect participants to cover food costs for the rest of their stay.

Travel insurance and cancellation fee:

Please make sure you buy comprehensive travel insurance with your trip in case something happens or you can’t travel due to last-minute emergencies. Please note that IFM-SEI cannot cover the cost of medical assistance or rebook any lost flight. Last-minute cancellations noticed with less than 10 days in advance will be charged with a 100 euros cancellation fee.

Here  is the application form if you could please fill it in by January 25th! Best of luck and hopefully see you at YO!Fest!

Here is a PDF copy to share among your members

YOFest call 2018 pdf


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