
This piece was written by Francis Ametepey from Youth Advocates Ghana.

Africa will always be gratified about her young people, if only they understand the role they have to play in realizing the dreams of the continent.

A group of youth advocates from IFM-SEI member organizations in Africa had a beautiful one week intensive workshop in Ghana from 12th -19th of November, 2017 at Hans hotel Nsawam.  The workshop brought together representatives from three IFM-SEI member organizations in Africa namely Youth Advocates Ghana, Pionniers du Mali and Pionniers du Sénégal and one applicant organisation Girls Excel of Cameroon to plan for the future of the On The Move (OTM) project of IFM-SEI. 17 representatives from these organizations were present to participate in the workshop.

On The Move

On The Move (OTM)   is a two year project co-funded by the ERASMUS+ Program of the European Union, to assist organizations working with young people to better handle challenges faced when dealing with migration, visa and youth mobility. The purpose of the  “On the Move” project is to raise organizations awareness of the benefit of youth mobility and to support youth organizations in better dealing with visa obstacles in international youth work.

Migration around the world

Migration is the movement of people from one place to the other. Several reasons such as better job opportunities, security, and quality education were the major causes of migration in Africa. Several factors including pull and push factors were also deliberated upon .  Pull factors are the factors that attract a person to migrate to a different environment. For instance, someone in Zimbabwe would like to come to Ghana because of peace and security. Peace and security in this scenario becomes the pull factor that is making him or her migrate to Ghana. Push factors on the other hand are factors that are sending you away from one place to the other. A typical example of a pull factor is conflicts or war. Many migrants were forced to leave their country to other countries to save their lives and that of their families. Mobility is not only movement of people but also goods, services and ideas.

Visit to the local munipal authority

Youth Advocates Ghana the host organization arranged a meeting between participants and the Nsawam-Adoagyiri Municipal Authority.  The meeting was to share the concept of the OTM project to authorities and listen to their views and policies on Migration. The team was welcomed by the municipal chief executive officer, the municipal coordinating director and the planning officer. The planning officer, Rev. Isaac Asante Wiafe mentioned his views on migration, globalization, radicalization and access to visas. He stated that, migration to him is not illegal but it becomes a serious problem when migrants do not obey laws and regulations in the new environments they find themselves.

Rev. Isaac Asante Wiafe ended by saying the team’s visit is a wake up call for the assembly to work harder; he believes by the end of the OTM project in 2018, there will be much better improvement. He made it clear to the team the doors of the municipal assembly are opened anytime to work together with the hosting organization (YAG) in terms of peace building.

Visit to The Street Children Empowerment Foundation

As part of our commitment as advocates, community development, children empowerment and the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals framework is our hallmark. To achieve this dream, we made a donation to The Street Children Empowerment Foundation (SCEF). The foundation has a library project which serves majority of students in the community (James town) from basic school to senior high school. The library is full of text books, dictionaries etc. which makes education interesting in the community. Students go there to do their assignment and also read ahead of their course outline.

African Falcon Network meeting

African Falcon Network (AFN). The AFN was officially introduced to the participants by Mamadou Mbow from Pioniers du Senegal who is a member of the IFM-SEI  Presidium. The team developed a work-plan for the African region.  A Five member committee was set-up to steer the affairs of the African falcon Network.

We hope to see the African Falcon network as one of the active Network within IFM-SEI where other network will seek for advice on how to ease youth mobility within the world.


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