New project for 2018

Most young people deem the sex education they’ve received is very poorly delivered or insufficient. It is widely known that many teenagers use the internet and the mainstream media, such as gossip magazines, to satisfy their curiosity and the information they can find there can be distorted and/or inaccurate. Talking about sex is still considered a taboo across the generations.

With this this project we want to raise awareness of how lacking and non- inclusive sex education is. We want to educate young people and youth workers and develop a comprehensive alternative sex education manual, aimed at children and young people, which is inclusive with the whole spectrum of genders and sexualities and also with people with disabilities, as well as promoting body positivity and bodily diversity. We want to educate young people from an early age – through non-formal education – to be able to speak openly about sex and to have healthy sex lives. We would like to explore more than just the physical aspects of sex and approach the topic from the emotional and psychological side.

The project will focus on some parts of IFM-SEI’s Strategy and Work Plan (2016-19) such as challenging gender and sexual normativity and binaries; bodies, body positivity and protecting yourself in public spaces or inclusion of people with access needs.

This project is an annual work plan generously funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe.European Youth Foundation (EYF) and Counsil of Europe (CoE)

Who can take part and how to get involved

All participants from IFM-SEI organisations from the European region can take part in this project.

Do you feel you are experienced in the topic of sex education and can commit for a year? You could join the focus group! Together, they will steer the project, prepare and deliver the seminar and develop a publication on sex education, receiving expert training to support the process. The call for focus group members will go out soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

Do you have a bit of experience or are new to the topic but are very interested in learning more? You can join one of the parallel seminars that will take part in May! Together, we will learn more about our bodies, gender, sex and develop a publication on sex education. There will be two seminars – one for beginners and one for people who are more advanced.

The call for participants for the seminars planned for May (TBC) will go out at the end of February 2018.

Calendar of activities

February 2018: Focus group meeting  - keep your eyes peeled for the call for Focus Group members that will go out soon (Stockholm, Sweden)

May 2018 (TBC): Beginners seminar: “Me as Sexual Being” and Advanced seminar: “Us as sexual beings” (parallels)

26 July – 1 August 2018: Let’s Talk About Sex at Participation Island! (Hanko, Finland)

December 2018: launch of the zine/manual for progressive sex education by IFM-SEI


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