Kinderfreunde/ Rote Falken Österreich had an amazing summer camp in Döbriach going on with around 600 people.
They had the pleasure to get to know groups from IFM-SEI, like Woodcraft folk UK, Falcons Belarus, ASD Turkey, Nouret Kotkat Finland as well as a non IFM-organisation from China. Faucons Rouge, Esplais Catalans and SJD-Die Falken  – members were part of our program team and supported us wherever they could.

Because pictures are telling more than 1000 words, we´ve got here the link to our two pretty cool Dö-news which will give you a pretty good impression from the two weeks full of international friendship. You can view the videos clicking here: Dö-news week 1, Dö-news week 2.


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