IFM-SEI is launching new merchandise!

We want to have a variety of products with different designs, and for that we are opening a call for designs. We want multiple designs that go along with our aims and principles. Are you a creative person? Would you like to see your design on different products all over the world? This is your call!

How does it work?

  1. Choose one or more of the aims and principles from IFM-SEI. Those are: children rights, international solidarity, education, equality, gender equality, enviromental sustainability, peace, democracy, anticapitalism and freedom.
  2. Create a design for the aim and priciple(s) you chose! It would be better if you already do it with Photoshop or another design program, but we will also accept handmade.
  3. Send it to We will shortlist them to make sure they go along with our beliefs.
  4. Vote! We will publish all the designs in a Facebook album where people will be able to vote their favourites. The ones with more votes will be selected for our merchandise.

The deadline for sending designs is the Monday 5th of June, don’t miss it!

Help us spread the word and get some awesome new IFM-SEI merch 😉


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