ALARM alarms everyone to be fully concerned about world tragedies then there will be no more, nowhere. ALARM is a finger that can’t lift a stone alone but with your full support and involvement nothing resists. Join our socialist and noble community and be helpful to your fellows and community while learning and taking actions. We do trust common forces to take up challenges ahead. Here you are, start now!

Lately, you’ve been hearing about the global project ‘On the Move’ a project dealing with different aspect around migration and movement of people.

The project has been running for almost a year and has two seminars under its belt.

We are now starting the first result of the first of those. The first online course about migration and refugees is starting soon: ALARM (Action to Learn About Refugees and Migration)

The inscriptions are now open until the 17th of April and the course will start the 20th of April.

The course will be mostly self-paced but some of the sessions have some level of participation and interaction between participants, but this won’t be in a big group but in smaller ones, for this we will create peer groups of people that will work together for the entire duration of the course.

For this reason we need to do registrations. If you want to join, please fill in this form before the 17th of April. After that date you will be able to join the course but you won’t be assigned to any small group.

We hope this interests you and join us in making this a success.


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