Some weeks ago we announced that the next IFM-SEI Camp is going to be hosted by Woodcraft Folk in the UK in 2020. It may seem far from now, but to make sure we have an amazing camp, we are already working on it!

Although lots of the work will be done by Woodcraft Folk and IFM-SEI’s secretariat and presidium, we want to make sure the camp is truly international and that the voices from our member from all the regions are being heard. That’s why the board of the camp we’ll have 3 international members that will work during this coming 3 years to make it possible.

The call for this 3 members is now open! The positions will be elected in the coming IC meeting in July but don’t worry if you can’t come. Send a one minute video presenting yourself and your motivations to join the board of the next IFM-SEI camp before 1st of June to

There are three possible roles, you can see the description of each role on the calls linked to them: Volunteer Role description – Core LogisticsVolunteer Role description – Volunteer Support and Volunteer Role description – Programme.

We are looking forward to get your videos. Don’t miss the opportunity of being in the organisation of the next IFM-SEI camp!


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