Faucons Rouges are a member organisation of IFM from Belgium. The weekend of the 6th and 7th they are organising a great load of activities and they are inviting all the European organisations to take part!

It will be a great opportunity to know each organisation, share games, activities, projects and work together.
The weekend will be divided in two: Satruday 6th there will be activities for young participants from 16 years old and Sunday 7th will be focused on children around 12-13.

On Sunday, May 7th there will be a great adventure game that will be organized on specific themes combined with a treasure hunt and numerous other events, such as an exploration of national heritages, sports, several tours (cycling, walking, boatsails, Namourette…). Here are already a few activities that have been planned:

  • Visit to the centre Terranova.
  • The Tyrolean giant.
  • An adventure run
  • An escape game.
  • The Ariane line in the dark underground tunnels of the Citadel.
  • Treasure hunt to beautiful places and to discover the architectural treasures of the city of Namur.
  • Blob Jump.
  • Stand Up Paddle


WHEN: Saturday 6th May for young participants and leaders from 16 years old. Sunday 7th May for children around 12-13 years old.

WHERE: Youth Hostel Félicien Rops – Avenue Félicien Rops, 8 à 5000 Namur.

FEE: Participation fee for the whole weekend: 25 € (sleep over and food included). Participation only on Sunday: 10 € (Food included).

For more information, you can contact the Faucons Rouges at info@fauconsrouges.be


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