We are thrilled to be featured in the new resource from the Social Platform, Investing in Services for People’s Wellbeing: A collection of case studies. IFM-SEI is featured as one of the 14 case studies, which are divided into five categories:

  • Investing in integrated social and health care services
  • Investing in migrants’ and refugees’ inclusion
  • Investing in people’s employability through the social economy and social enterprises
  • Investing in children and young people
  • Investing in the community, housing and independent living to promote social inclusion

Our project on children’s and young people’s participation, Partnerships for Participation, is featured as part of the children and young people’s section. The publication is designed to show that investing in high quality health, housing, social, employment and education services and social infrastructures for all is an investment in people and for the future, and not simply a cost. This approach is known as ‘social investment’. IFM-SEI highlights one of the ways we put this into practice.

You can check out the full resource, Investing in Services for People’s Wellbeing: A collection of case studies, by following this link.

Want to find out more about the Social Platform? Take a look at the video below!


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