After the holidays the IFM-SEI Secretariat is back in office with new energy and motivation. We are finishing up last year’s projects, following up on some others and starting new ones. See everything that’s coming up in the activities page and check the latest news on the website and facebook.

This January Mie from DUI, id joining us, you can contact her at Here you have a few words from her:

My name is Mie. And I am 23 years old. I am new in the IFM-SEI office. I finished my education as a social worker June 2016 and decided to live in Brussels for a year. I will be in the office until July 2017. I will be in the office Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, about 10 hours a week. I am from Denmark, from The danish Organisation Dui-leg-og-virke, where I have been sitting in the main board, and I have been the chairman of the youth group for a few years.

As always don’t hesitate to contact us for anything and hope to see you around the world!


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