Children preparing a 20N activity in the floor of their village main square.

20N: Children’s rights day

The last few weeks have been busy ones for Esplais Catalans. Two of the most important events of the year took place in November!

Like most of other IFM-SEI organisations, we have been celebrating the 20N in different villages and towns around the country. Take a look at the video we’ve made with the images of the day.


Esplais Catalans General Assembly

Also, the 26th and 27th November, Esplais Catalans held its 35th General Assembly in Granollers, Catalonia.

The General Assembly is like IFM-SEI’s Congress, that is, our highest decision-making body. More than 300 leaders representing 66 esplais have gathered to discuss and vote for the last Work Plan Report and for the next Work Plan and budget. We also have approved 3 resolutions:

Arms of people holding voting cards, green, white and red, with Esplac's logo

  • A resolution to reclaim that our society and the mass media must recognize our role as stakeholders in the educational community and as agents for social transformation as much as they do with formal education stakeholders.
  • A resolution to reject every expression of Islamophobia and all the migration policies related to it as well as to advocate for an inclusive approach of diversity.
  • A resolution to reclaim the full citizenship of children and their right to be heard, starting with their right to participate and take part in the decision making of our organisations.

We welcomed a new member of the board and seven new esplais that just joined the federation. Finally, we presented the trailer of a documentary about the history of the esplais that we are working on and that will be presented on February 2017. Stay tuned!


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