Cartoon from KKSP about supporting the community after the earthquake and how to donate

We would like to share a message from our friends in KKSP:

Dear comrades, an earthquake hit Pidie Jaya, Indonesia, on 7th December. The people there need emergency medical and food supplies as well at support to rebuild their homes. KKSP is already in the area delivering aid and working with local people, especially children, to rebuild their lives and fight for their rights . To reach everyone, we really need solidarity from our comrades in IFM-SEI. Donations can be sent to IFM-SEI (clearly marked ‘earthquake donations’) and will be forwarded to KKSP to make sure we get to those that need it most.’

Cartoon from KKSP about supporting the community after the earthquake and how to donateIf you are able to contribute to support the work that our comrades in KKSP are doing on the ground following the earthquake, we would ask for you to make a bank transfer to IFM-SEI with the reference ‘earthquake donation’ to the following account:

Name: International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International
Bank: ING Belgium SA/NV
Bank address: Avenue Marnix 24, B-1000 Brussels
Bic code: BBRUBEBB
IBAN: BE60 3101 2003 5970

Any amount, no matter how small, could make such a difference to the work of KKSP.


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