We are looking for an enthusiastic and active member to volunteer full time in Brussels for 12 months between September 2017 and August 2018. IFM-SEI will apply for a fund called European Voluntary Service to cover the living costs of the volunteer. Please note that the grant is not guaranteed. We will apply for the grant in the beginning of February 2017 and will know if we were successful around April 2017.

What would I do?

As an EVS volunteer, you will be based in our small Secretariat in Brussels, will work with many volunteers all around the world and have the opportunity to see the world. The main focus of EVS year is for you to have the chance to develop skills and competencies, get new experiences to contribute to your educational and professional development and give you the opportunity to shape your voluntary work around your interests and areas you would like to develop.

You will also be involved in a variety of IFM-SEI projects during the year, as well as getting hands-on experience of working in the IFM-SEI office. Some of the projects you may be involved with are:

  • On the Move: a global project around the topic of mobility, refugees, visas and regional youth work. The latter part of the project, taking place in autumn 2017-spring 2018, will facilitate the implementation of regional meetings in Africa and Latin America, as well as the delivery of an online course on migration and regional youth work.
  • ‘I Act’ for the prevention of sexual violence: a European-wide project on the bystander model of the prevention of sexual violence. The second half of 2017 would support trained leaders in our organisations to deliver national trainings on the prevention of sexual violence and educational processes with children on the topic. There will also be an action week around the 25 November would bring the project to general public, offer online workshops and roll out a social media campaign using our ‘I Act’ online platform.
  • Medium-term Training of Trainers and developing am IFM-SEI Pool of Trainers (funding dependent): a core focus of IFM-SEI’s work during 2017-18 is to invest energy into creating a Pool of Trainers. To do this, IFM-SEI must offer the space for members to develop the skills, expertise and confidence they need to become trainers in IFM-SEI to empower them to get involved with non-formal education in IFM-SEI and beyond.
  • Communication: we would like to develop our website, social media platforms and communication with our member organisations throughout this period to make IFM-SEI more visible and accessible, to our current membership, prospective members and external partners.

What do other volunteers think?

‘I won’t be exaggerating when I say that my EVS experience launched a new career path for me, introducing me to internationalism. Today, I have gained somuch exposure from the opportunities that my EVS created for me, made a network of great and inspiring international friends. I have been recognized both nationally, regionally through awards and gained international scholarships all thanks to my experience during my EVS.’ – Delphine, EVS 2012


‘My EVS with IFM-SEI was really special because it gave me so many incredible opportunities and I learned a lot about myself and what I value. I was based in Belgium for the year but it felt like I was actively practicing internationalism; I made lots of amazing new friends from all over the world.’ – Frankie, EVS 2015-16


‘During my year at the IFM-SEI secretariat I learnt so much about socialist education and how to run an international youth movement that has the power to change society and to connect people worldwide through the motivation to change society. I got so much more self-confidence, because my colleagues empowered and believed in my educational skills. It was an amazing experience to work for IFM-SEI!’ – Bine, EVS 2012-13


‘My EVS was a life-changing experience. It is the biggest opportunity that I have ever gotten in my whole life. It was my first step into professional life. My EVS was also a life-saving experience. Working with IFM-SEI and being surrounded with great people sharing socialist values was extremely helpful. It provided me with the safe space that I needed at that moment. Doing an EVS also helped me learn a lot about myself and the world around me.’ – Arnold, EVS 2015


‘Being an EVS volunteer at IFM-SEI was a huge experience and fun at the same time. Together with the secretariat, we have been putting into practice IFM-SEI values; I gained more experience and expertise in non-formal education, improved my skills to make a positive change not only in my own life but in the community, I am a part of, too. It was the greatest and the most diverse adventure in for me so far.’ – Teona, EVS 2014-15


What financial support do I get?

The position is voluntary, however there is financial support for the volunteer by the means of:

  • Accommodation in Brussels (in a shared flat)
  • An allowance that includes money for meals, local transport and pocket money
  • Travel costs to Brussels (a lump sum depending on the distance to Brussels)
  • Insurance for the whole year
  • A language course (French or Dutch)
  • Training programme organised by the EVS programme, and lots of training and development opportunities with IFM-SEI and our member organisations
  • An exciting and unforgettable experience, working for an international organisation in an international city!

Can I apply?

You can apply if you fit the following profile:

  • Aged between 18 and 30
  • Active in a member organisation of IFM-SEI in Europe, the Middle East or Western Sahara
  • Able to work in English
  • Spanish and/or French would be an advantage
  • Able to commit a year to volunteering in Brussels
  • Computer literate
  • Basic knowledge of non-formal education
  • Support from your IFM-SEI member organisation
  • Your organisation has accreditation as an EVS sending organisation (or can arrange it by the deadline)
  • The motivation to take back what you have learnt to your IFM-SEI member organisation to share good practice
  • Open-minded with a good sense of humour!

We particularly encourage young people with fewer opportunities to apply!

How do I apply?

If you are interested then you send your CV and a motivation letter (up to one page A4) outlining why you would like to join IFM-SEI for an EVS year and what you feel you could bring to the role. We would ask for you to send this to contact@ifm-sei.org by Sunday 15 January at 23:59 (CET). We would also ask for your IFM-SEI member organisation to send us a support letter to accompany your application by the same date.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

You can find the full call for our next EVS volunteer by following this link


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