ye2Children’s organisation FÉNIX has organised yet another youth exchange! It took place in Snina, Eastern Slovakia, between dates 30th October to 6th November. Participants came from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland and Romania. The main topic of the youth exchange Speak up! was Human and Civil Rights. Objectives were to familiarize young people with Rights, to eliminate prejudice and stereotypes, to promote tolerance, improve their communication skills and support self-development. All activities were held in non-formal settings. Each country was responsible for a part of programme. Evening belonged to intercultural experience. There were festivals of food, traditions, games, language and countries. Programme included also a hiking trip to mountains, and visit of a local school, where FÉNIX’s members introduced a school parliament. Participants were leaving feeling inspired, full of excitement, with new friendships and ready to become active members of their community.

Training Course for Memberstc1

In November FÉNIX headquarters has organized a training course for local units, their chairmen and economists. Currently FÉNIX has 43 local unit all over Slovakia. Agenda included usage of national system for keeping records of activities with children and youth funded by Ministry of Education, billings, administration, etc. Part of the meeting was also introduction of our organisation’s activities for year 2017. Introduction was followed by discussion open for comments, ideas and suggestions. It looks like we have an interesting and busy year ahead of us.

Article contributed by Fénix


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