9th Congress of the Pionýr

For making of the most important decisions in the Pioneer is need support of most of the representatives of every Pioneer group. More than two hundred of them met on Saturday November 12th in Pardubice to collectively decide on the course for the next couple of years.

pyonirBefore noon the Statutes of Pioneer were approved. Parts of meeting are also performances by guests Mrs. Jitka Černohorská from a transfusion station spoke about the possibilities of donating blood and bone marrow and also Mrs. Pavla Začalová from the organisation „Cesta z krize“ (which means „The way out of a crisis“) introduced the Czech Helpline for children, youth and their parents. From the opening speeches, a lot of thank yous to the volunteers haven been expressed because without them, the activity of the Pionýr would not be possible. This gratitude for all the work also had a concrete form because a part of the programme was dedicated to award some Pionýrs. Also the highest Pionýr honour for the year 2017 was given to Mr. Josef Matoušek for organising the activities in the Moravian – Silesian Region.

An important event of every congress is the election of the Pionýr representatives. Not only individual like the chairman, vice-chairman, and economist but also collective as well as the executive committee, referees and the audit commission. The composition was a bit altered but not significantly. That signalizes the direction our organisation is heading in (with the emphasis on the activity in troops, working with children and coworking with parents) right.

Delegates of Pioneer groups showed on Saturday November 12th the will to go on and overcome the obstacles the next years will bring in our movement. By the words of the chairman Mr. Martin Bělohlávek: „Let‘s continue being Pionýrs – keep looking, learning, respecting and working together. “

Article contributed by Pionýr


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