framfylkingenFamily and children’s activity camp

During the summer, Framfylkingen have arranged two sets of family and children’s activity camp in cooperation with Fagforbundet in Norway. The concept is to bring families with difficult economy or other challenging affairs at home, together for a summer vacation with a variety of activities. Such as football and volleyball tournament, acting classes, media courses and guitar lessons. We also had several lectures about equality, democracy, human rights and first aid during the camp for both children and adults. The first camp took place in the south and the second up north, both camps with the same concept. We are looking forward to arrange the camps next year. Here you have the video of the camp.

Unga örnars national summer camp
Framfylkingen also had a group of 21 participants, who took part of Unga örnars national summer camp at Norje Boke in Sölvesborg, Sweden. This was truly one of the summer’s most beautiful adventures. Our Participants loved all the activities. Such as paintingslide, ballgames, ghostride and swimming. The workshops were also quite educational. Thanks to our good friends at Unga örnar for a perfect summer. All our participants came back to Norway with a big smile and a whole lot of memories.

IFM-SEI Congress
From 5th – 8th August 2016, IFM-SEI held its 27th Congress on the Willy Brandt campsite in Reinwarzhofen, Germany. Framfylkingen had a delegation of three participants at the congress. The congress discussed many important issues within the organization. Framfylkingen would like to wish the new leadership all the best!

Children’s conference
From 4 – 7 August Framfylkingen held our yearly children’s conference.
Once a year, we especially invite all our members between the ages 10 – 18, for a conference to discuss different types of issues concerning children. The theme of this year’s children’s conference was bullying/discrimination and inclusion. We had young members of Framfylkingen, from all over Norway participating this year’s conference. The main goal of this year’s conference was to empower youth and children to stand against bullying and discrimination as a community and to build friendship across ethnicity and religion.

Article contributed by Framfylkingen


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