IYF published the results of the Study on the case of Human Rights Violations in East Jerusalem, Targeted Areas (Hizma, Anata)2015-2016, the study is the main results of the project of Harnessing Palestinian Capacity to Claim and Advocate for their Rights through Video Evidence in East Jerusalem, the project is supported by the Secretariat of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, The project aims to change this course and to develop the capacity of Palestinian activists in East Jerusalem to effectively monitor the abuses they face; collect and verify testimonials from victims; and research and document instances of Israeli violence, discrimination, forced displacement and nationalist hate crimes

iyf_gardenThe completion of the work in the school garden (Hizma primary school for boys)

The project was carried out by the Independent Youth Forum-IYF in cooperation with Sawa Foundation and supported by Areej Foundation funded the project from the European Union.
This project aims to develop the school environment.

Camps management training

Independent Youth Forum-IYF Participated during the period from April 27-28, 2016 in a training course about youth camps management, the training course implemented by the Council for Youth and Sports in the city of Al-Ram-Jerusalem, the aims of the training course to preparing for the summer camps which will implementing in the summer, 2016.

iyf_camp2IYF summer camp

IYF conducted summer camp in august 2016 for 60 participates joined the camp in Jerusalem governorate, the camp implemented with cooperation with the Council for Youth and Sports.

IYF participated in the 2 Days Training Course on Needs assessment tools & organisation conflict management

More than 35 participants from CBOs and local councils, the project about Governance which funded by international Olof Palme Center and conducted by Taawon for conflict resolution.

IFM camp (welcome to the another world)iyf_ifmcamp

IYF delegation joined the IFM camp (welcome to another world), 8 IYF participants joined the camp, IYF also joined IFM congress and elected as Middle East Presidium, IYF member Ola will represent IYF during the next three years in this position.

Article contributed by IYF


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