img_8909Dear IFM members,

We want to thank you for the wonderful IFM-Camp we created together. Two weeks we lived in another world, our other world. We made new friends, discussed pressing issues in our organisations and the world and we made our demands public. We learned from each other, came up with new ideas together and created new things together. We organized our living together democratically, sang together, played together and had fun together. We are sure that every one of you took wonderful memories with you from our camp and has lots of stories to tell those back home who couldn’t take part. To keep these memories alive, we have a short video clip for you, which you can watch here. Two longer films are in the making right now, so stay tuned!

f-news-front-no-5-678x381Also, you can read all IFM Camp News and watch all F! News on our blog:

Freundschaft! Friendship! Amistad!

SJD – Die Falken


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