








From 5th – 8th August 2016, we held our 27th Congress on the Willy Brandt campsite in Reinwarzhofen, Germany. It took place directly after the international camp meaning more young people from more organisations could participate in our highest decision-making body.

But what decisions did we make? 

• We welcomed Sokolska Mladina (Slovenia), Association for Social Democracy (Turkey) and the Patsimederu Trust (Zimbabwe) as new candidate organisations in IFM-SEI.






• Youth Advocates Ghana, Rote Falken Switzerland and the Armenian Youth Federation became full member organisations.

• There were reports from the Secretariat, Presidium and a financial report from the Control Commission for 2013 – 2016

• We adopted our strategy and work plan 2016-2019.

• Congress agreed on IFM-SEI’s Code of Conduct.

• We debated updates to our Constitution.

• We introduced a new membership fee system.

• We elected a new leadership of IFM-SEI for the next three years.


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