transparent ausrollenThe IFM-SEI Camp begins in Reinwarzhofen

Today 2500 children and young people from around the world begin their international camp under the motto “Welcome to another world”, hosted by our German member organisation SJD-Die Falken on their campsite in Reinwarzhofen.

For two weeks they will organise themselves, learn and live together and build long-lasting friendships. They will work on the most important topics of IFM-SEI: children’s rights, peace, democracy, cooperation, women’s rights, sexual diversity, antifascism and socialism.

Christine Sudbrock, Secretary General of IFM-SEI states, “This camp will be a unique opportunity for the participants to experience international solidarity. For many of them it might be the first and only time that they leave their town, country or region.

Immanuel Benz, co-chair of SJD-Die Falken, declares: “The IFM-SEI Camp is a unique possibility for children and young people to learn together, ask questions, share experiences and develop political strategies with which they can get closer to “another world”.

Co-chair Josephin Tischner adds, “We can only achieve our political aims such as peace and justice through international cooperation. The IFM-SEI camp shows us how strongly young people in the whole world work towards these common aims. Especially current issues such as refugees and migration, the fight against racism and the comeback of nationalism will be important topics to discuss”.

Participants’ experiences of these two weeks will last for a lifetime. The camp will contribute to strengthening their openness, curiosity and participation and will contribute to span the world with friendship.



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