fenix presidentMonday 2nd May 2016 was a day when one of the most interesting events commemorating FENIX´s 25th  anniversary took place. The most active members and volunteers of FENIX had a chance to meet the president of Slovak republic Andrej Kiska. President Kiska thanked all the active members, volunteers and representatives for their long lasting work with children and young people and he underlined the importance of such work in today’s times and social situation. For all FENIX participants this has been an extraordinary life experience and award for their active approach and participation.

Recently FENIX has started to cooperate with YFU Slovensko organization (Youth for Understanding). The new project will help our members to know several countries where YFU exchange students from Slovakia live and study. Through interactive e-mailing competition they will have a chance to reach an international environment of cultural exchanges as well as to win little prizes 🙂

Moreover, on an international level FENIX successfully cooperates with S.O.S. Ukraine Fund which supports the collection and delivery of humanitarian aid for children suffering from war conflict in Ukraine. Many FENIX members and volunteers have helped to collect clothes, shoes and toys for the children to ease their situation as far as it gets.

fenix sos ukraineLast but not least, let us mention our upcoming international summer fest Neighbors Without Borders supported by Visegrad Fund which will take place in August at Sninske Rybniky, Eastern Slovakia. FENIX will host up to 100 participants from Visegrad countries´ partners – Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Czech Republic. During four interactive days the children, young people and the adult participants as well will exchange their intergenerational experience about historical traditions, cultural and interpersonal relationships. At the same time they will get a chance to know each other, and see the most interesting cultural and natural beauties in Snina and its surroundings.

Wishing a wonderful summer!


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