IMG_8537It is with pleasure that we invite our European member organisations to the next European Falcon Network seminar called “Ferry to Europe”. As the title says, the seminar will mainly take place on a ferry, starting and ending in Helsinki! The meeting is hosted by our Finnish member organisation Nuoret Kotkat with the financial support of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.

The aim of the seminar “Ferry to Europe” is to motivate and support more organisations in IFM-SEI to carry out Erasmus+ projects and to take stock of our involvement in the Erasmus+ programme in the past years. Organising the seminar on the ferry between Finland and Sweden also symbolises the connections between our organisations.


  • To learn more about organising Erasmus+ projects
  • To share our experiences with international projects and learn from each other’s challenges and good practices
  • To plan future European projects together, for example an IFM-SEI Pool of Trainers
  • To network between our organisations and coordinate the European Falcon Network


We will meet in Helsinki on Thursday 6th October and start the seminar in a local youth hostel at 16:00. On Friday 7th morning we will board the ferry to Stockholm and will continue the seminar on the ferry. We will also have a few hours in Stockholm! On Sunday morning at 10:10 we will be back in Helsinki.

Your organisation can send the number of participants indicated in the list below.  Please keep in mind the importance of gender balance and that this will be a leaders’ seminar so those you send should be able to contribute ideas and bring the results back to your movement.

Please fill in the online registration form at the latest by the 1st September:

You will receive more detailed information about the logistics and programme in September.


Please note the maximum travel cost reimbursement below when booking tickets. If you would like to send more participants than indicated in the list, please get in contact with us. You should aim to arrive before 16:00 in Helsinki.

Organisation Number of participants Maximum price per person
Faucons Rouges and Rode Valken 2 275 Euro
Kinderfreunde/Rote Falken 3 (including one teamer) 275 Euro
Nuoret Kotkat 3 (including one teamer) 275 Euro
The Woodcraft Folk 2 275 Euro
Esplais Catalans 2 360 Euro
SJD Die Falken 3 (including one teamer) 275 Euro
Pionyr 2 275 Euro
Slovenian Falcons 2 275 Euro
Lithuanian Young Falcon Union 2 275 Euro
Fenix 2 275 Euro
 Unga Ornar  2  275 Euro



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