group from aboveEvery three years, IFM-SEI develops a new work plan and strategy for the future. At this year’s congress we will adopt a new work plan for 2016 – 2019 but we need your help to decide what it will include.

So this is your chance to say what you think IFM-SEI should be working on in the next three years! What projects, educational activities and campaigns we should focus on and how we should put them into action?

We would love contributions from all of our member organisations – local groups, boards – all input about your priorities for our international movement is welcome!

Here, you can find our current Constitution, including our Aims and Principles, and our strategy and work plan 2013 – 2016. Below are some of the questions you should think about.

  • Which aim or principle is most important to your organisation?
  • Which aim or principle does your organisation think is most important to IFM-SEI?
  • Is there anything you think is missing or would like to change from the aims and principles?
  • Why is IFM-SEI relevant to your organisation?
  • What works well in IFM-SEI and should continue?
  • What is missing or can be improved in IFM-SEI?
  • Where does your organisation want to see IFM-SEI in three years’ time (in 2019)? How can this be achieved?
  • Is there an aim, topic, theme and/ or project that your organisation works on or is interested in that you would like IFM-SEI to explore?
  • How would you like different member organisations to participate in IFM-SEI?
  • What are your thoughts on IFM-SEI’s communication channels? What can be improved and how?

To help you do this, we have put together a pack of activities that you can run in your groups or organisations. There are different activities appropriate for children and young people, one for those with experience of IFM-SEI already and a discussion-based workshop.

The whole pack is available in English and Spanish.

But whether you use our workshop ideas or not, we would really appreciate your input on these questions so that we can shape the work plan according to your interests and needs.

The team developing the new work plan will collect your responses up until 29th April. If you’ve got any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Carly from the IFM-SEI Presidium:


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