fenix volunteer awardThe vice-chairman of FENIX, Patrik Herman, was awarded the Volunteer of 2015 by the National Volunteer Center Cardo. The ceremony took place on 11 February 2016 in the premises of the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic.

Evka Pintérová from FENIX, the former 10-year chairman of our organisation, accompanied him to the ceremony. Let us congratulate Patrik one more time and thank him for his endless enthusiasm!

Recently FENIX participated in the EU Structured dialogue program. The first outputs of our co-operation with the Youth Council of Slovakia are videos and a yearbook about youth organisations in Slovakia among which FENIX is considered to be one of the most professional and respected ones. The videos in Slovak language are available here:logo-strukturovany-dialog-SK



Our sequential game ‘Place Where I Live’ has entered its second stage: after meeting local government representatives in the first stage, these days our children, young people and volunteers are realizing different activities to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our organisation in co-operation with mayors and local governments of the towns where they live.

Article contributed by Fenix.


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