campfireThe booking deadline for the IFM-SEI Camp ‘Welcome to another World’ has passed and so the camp this summer is getting closer and closer!

In this document of updates, available in English, Spanish and French, you can find everything from useful information about travelling to Reinwarzhofen, to the town cafes and cultural programme.

You can get a flavour of what the camp timetable will look like, information about the youth area and discover more about the structure and infrastructure of the camp.

Read about what each of the 8 theme tents will look like, find out about programme areas like the media space and group helper school and most importantly, find out how YOU can contribute to the programme of the camp by offering activities and workshops.

You can also find out about how you can participate in the second camp preparation seminar which will be held at the Kurt Lӧwenstein Haus from 5th – 8th May.


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