pioneers of mali january 2016Pioneers from the province Sanankoroba, commune V of the district of Bamako and the pilot province of Kalabancoro took part in a capacity building training course on public responsibility from 22 – 23rd January.

The Young Volunteer for Changing Mali Association (JVC-Mali) organised the conference on citizenship on 30 January at Vito’s Institute. The torch (flag of Mali) was passed on to the pioneers of Mali, engaging them to take up public responsibility, civic engagement and citizenship duties for all, and inviting other youth associations and organizations to work in the same field.

The training on public responsibility and citizenship took place in Baguinéda, a town a few kilometres from Bamako. It ended with a great game after which the participants received an official certificate. On the black board we made the signs of game tracks. The big game is an educational activity of the pioneers of Mali, where groups of 7, 8 or 9 pioneers search for clues in the signs of a set track that will lead to their next goal.

After this training session, the federal Bureau held a training on road safety and installed road safety clubs in schools that have benefited from the training. The role of these clubs is to ensure safely road crossing of students during rush hour in the district of Bamako.

Article contributed by the Association of the Pioneers of Mali


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