IFM-SEI’s website has been updated with a brand new look and lots of great features!

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  • You can get lots of useful information about our current projects – at the moment we are featuring the IFM-SEI Camp and our Group Matters campaign.
  • Find out about all of the IFM-SEI activities that you can participate in, and read about our past activities and projects
  • All of IFM-SEI’s publications are featured on the website so you can browse through them in each of the different published languages. You can also search for resources on any particular theme.
  • Read all of the latest news stories from IFM-SEI and our member organisations, see our past and current campaigns, and look at IFM-SEI’s structure, values and history.
  • You can also see how we are spanning the world with friendship – find out about each of our member organisations in different regions across the world.

Have a look and let us know what you think!


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