Meet Adaia and read about why they are excited about coming to the IFM-SEI Camp!

Who is coming to the campHi! I am Adaia and I am 22 years old. I live with my mother in a little house in the middle of the natural park named Collserola that surrounds the city of Barcelona.

I love reading books or comics, especially sci-fi, fantasy and terror. I also like to chill with my friends in our favorite bar and go to the cinema or the theatre (but these are too expensive and I can’t go as much as I would like). Another thing I like to do is hiking with my dog through the woods where I live. Right now I have left college (I was doing a literature degree) but next year I am planning on doing a degree on gender equality (a topic that I am also very interested in).

Seven years ago I joined the Esplai Eixam, a federated organisation of Esplac. I was 16 back then and now I am nearly 23. I started in a youth group and when I was 18 I turned to be a leader. Now I am a leader of a youth group and I also participate in a gender commission from Esplac. When I joined the organisation I attended my first international camp: Train for Change in 2010. It was all new and I had many exciting experiences! Now I want to bring this amazing experience to the children and youth in our organisation and give them an unforgettable memory. We will bring a large group of children and young people to the camp. We will be divided by age into three groups: children between 10 and 12 years old, teenagers between 13 and 14 years old and the youth group with ages between 15 to 17 years old. We will be about 30 people plus 7 leaders.

During the year we do a lot of activities. Each Saturday we meet for 2 and a half hours in our headquarters in Rubi. Once a quarter we organize a trip during a weekend. We rent a house or a camping ground and stay one night. We also do an Easter and a summer camp.

Normally we do fundraising to minimize the costs of the summer activities and this year is no different. We have all started to think and plan ideas for the fundraising and we have already done a few. We are cooperating with the local businesses to do a basket of different things and do a raffle with it, we are also organizing a bingo, selling second-hand stuff… We have a lot of work to do but we all are so motivated to begin this adventure with all the people that are coming from around the world! See you soon! 😀


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