Lots of preparation is underway for the IFM Camp in Germany, and the cultural programme team is very busy acquiring bands! But at the moment, we are still lacking some good artists for the afternoon and evening programme!

IFM Camp is on the hunt for artists and performers-1

Smaller acts on the camp will cater for a variety of interests and age groups. We want to have theatre groups, poetry slams, readings, cabaret and much more. But it is also important that members of our own organizations can present their own cultural programme.

So we need your help!

Do you have any contacts with artists, theatre groups or performers that you would like to invite to the IFM Camp? We would love to get some new suggestions for artists and would be especially happy if you have any personal connections so that we might be able to get them to come to the camp a little cheaper.

Are there any camp participants in your organisations who would like to perform at the IFM Camp? IFM Camp is on the hunt for artists and performers-2Or are there any members of your organizations who are artists and who we could invite to the camp? It could be anything: a dance group from your youth centre; a spoken word performance by some participants… The list goes on! Please tell us whether you have artists among your members who would like to perform and we will try to create an appropriate setting for them to do so.

It would be great if you could answer both questions relatively quickly because professional artists have to be booked soon and the cultural programme team is already very busy planning!

Please send any suggestions to Anne – anne.eckelmann@sjd-die-falken.de


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