Over the next few months, some IFM members who are working to develop a new work-plan for 2016 – 2019 will seek your input into the strategy and work-plan.

workshopIf you missed the virtual workshop held online at the end of January, you can still dedicate some time in your organisations to discuss the work-plan.

It is your opportunity to say what you think IFM should be focusing on in the coming years; what projects, educational activities and campaigns we should do and what structures should be in place to facilitate them.

Attached you can also find a pack of activities that you can run in your groups and organisations to help think about what you want from IFM and feed into the work-plan until 2019! There are different activities for kids, young people, a discussion-based workshop and an activity for those with experience of IFM already. There are versions available in English and Spanish.

We strongly encourage all member organisations to run these workshops and input into IFM-SEI’s work in the next three years. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Carly from the IFM-SEI Presidium: carly@ifm-sei.org

The Pack of activities in English.

Actividades en espanol.


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