This year’s IFM-SEI Congress will kindly be hosted by SJD Die Falken and will take place from 5th – 8th August.

New PresidiumIt will be held on the Willy-Brandt-Platz campsite in Reinwarzhofen, Germany straight after the IFM Camp. Hopefully all delegates will also attend the camp so that we take its spirit onwards to our Congress!

The Congress is our opportunity as a democratic, membership-based movement to contribute to the development of our international activities, to consider how best to work together for the achievement of children’s rights and to motivate and empower our members for the work ahead.

Full member organisations can send up to 5 delegates and candidate organisations can send a maximum of 2 delegates. All delegations must fulfil a women’s quota. Each delegate will pay a participation fee between 40 and 80 Euros, which is different according to world region. You can find all of this information and more in on our Congress page. The congress documents have been sent out to all member organisations. If you did not receive them, please let the secretariat know.


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