IYU recently organised a seminar together with comrades from the German Falcon.

During this enriching seminar held in Berlin, Germany participants learned how to explore issues from different perspectives. The event invited participants to a deep reflection on history and memory using the case of the Holocaust.

It was also an opportunity to present a part of the Palestinian history to our comrades from the SJD – Die Falken by sharing our non-ending catastrophe: the so-called “Nakba”.

The seminar provided participants with elements necessary to explore the mind of other people and groups, which is affected by their own history and the way it shaped them. This helped us to take another step in learning how to work with our comrades in Germany on other issues and build a strong friendship with them.

It was a very successful seminar that enhanced the connection between the German Falcons and the IYU. We intend to continue in this line by organising exchange visits and increasing our knowledge about Palestinian and German history and cultures.

//Article written by Sami Saleh, IYU Palestine


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