As many of our member organisations, also Nuoret Kotkat from Finland demand their government to better treat refugee children. Read their public statement.nkk logo small

Nuoret Kotkat demands that all decisions on refugee issues must include a report on the impact on children, and that family placement of unaccompanied children must start immediately. Children must be guaranteed an opportunity to join safe leisure time activities.

Article 22 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child obliges states to take care of refugee children and to protect them. Finland signed this document over 25 years ago.

Europe is facing the largest refugee crisis since the Second World War. People in distress need help and security, regardless of where they come from. Managing refugee issues is about human rights, which are not a matter of opinions. We are living in an international world and as Finns we are part of the international community. This obliges us to support the needy.

There are many children among the asylum seekers, some of them coming without their parents. The long travel is dangerous and tough for a child. Therefore, it is important to create a safe environment for the child immediately after arriving to the country. If we are able to help even one child, the help has been worthwhile.

In the placement discussion of refugees, children often remain invisible. Cramped reception centres are not a suitable place for children, but compromise their growth and development. Particularly children arriving unaccompanied need to be placed in families as quickly as possible.

Access of asylum seekers to diverse leisure-time activities is of paramount importance. Especially participation of children in leisure time activities has to be ensured. Leisure time activities support mental health and speed up the start of inclusion.

For further information, contact:

Nuorten Kotkien Keskusliitto Unga Örnars Centralförbund NKK ry Chairperson Päivi Lipponen, tel: 050 512 2264

Executive Director Lea Väänänen, tel: 045 876 3997


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