Amnesty International and Les Faucons Rouges join their forces for Human Rights!

Devoir de regardIt is with great pleasure that the central office of the francophone Belgian Falcon organisation Les Faucons Rouges presents a project dear to its heart. Our commitment to the values of solidarity, equality, democracy and tolerance is evident in every step of our educational activities, so that children and young people can develop critical and responsible citizenship.

From 13–21 November 2015, our office will host Amnesty International’s ex­hibition “Devoir de Regard”(It is our duty to look) in Huy, Belgium. The exhibition aims to:

  • Make known to the public the struggle for human rights of Amnesty International through photographs
  • Highlight the role of photography and photographers in promoting Human Rights
  • Support the work of Human Rights NGOs in their mission to identify and denounce violations of human rights.

Around this exhibition, we offer lots of different activities: On 13 November, a conference with two speakers who highly value the theme of immigration: Mr. Carlo Crespo, president of MRAX (Movement against Racism, Anti-Semitism and Xenophobia) and François De Smet, director of the Federal Center for Migration. From 16–20 November, primary school teachers and their students will be welcomed to the exhibition. They can participate in activities and learn not only about human rights but also about the important work of Amnesty International. Prior to the visit each teacher will receive an educational kit that will enable them to tackle the topic in class and also offer educational ideas to develop afterwards. Many schools have already responded positively to our invitation. On 18 November, visits dedicated to adults will be scheduled. And finally on 21 November, local sections of Les Faucons Rouges will be welcomed by the Central Office to discover the exhibition and participate in activities on Human Rights. On this day also a wider public can freely access the exhibition.

Article written by Les Faucons Rouges


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