Awards for the Pioneers of Mali

The Pioneers of Mali took part in an award ceremony organised by the Association of Voluntary Blood Donators of Mali. During this event, the Pioneers of Mali were awarded a prize to congratulate them for their high involvement in blood donation in the country, thus acknowledging the commitment of the Pioneers of Mali to this great cause.

In addition, the Pioneers were recently awarded another prize for the work with young people. This prize was given by the National Youth Council and intends to encourage the Pioneers in their efforts to educate young people. Also, many members of our association were rewarded for their active participation in youth life.

55th Anniversary of the Pioneers

Malian Pioneers recently celebrated the 55th anniversary of the creation of their movement and association. The National Movement of the Pioneers of Mali, which was later on renamed “Association of the Pioneers of Mali”, was created on 21 April 1960 in the town of Katibougou. Since then, it has never stopped promoting democratic citizenship and other socialist values throughout the country.

Article writen by the Pionniers du Mali.


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