Hi! My name is Frances Marsh though most people call me Frankie. I’ve just arrived in Brussels to start my EVS placement at the IFM-SEI Secretariat, where I’ll be volunteering for 12 months.

Frances Marsh, EVS Volunteer

I come from Coventry in the UK where I am a member of Woodcraft Folk – and have been since I was 6! I also volunteered with the local Woodcraft group in Durham where I studied.

I got to know more about IFM and its other member organisations at CoCamp and also when I helped out at a Rote Falken camp in Dӧbriach in 2011. So I am really looking forward to helping plan the IFM International Camp in 2016 and seeing it come to fruition!

At the moment I am really thrilled to have arrived in Belgium and be living in an international city, working with the other lovely people in the Secretariat. I hope to learn lots during my service here in Belgium whilst helping to promote the values of peace, equality, internationalism, cooperation and all the other brilliant things that we stand for.


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