Here is how you can join the IFM-SEI camp prep seminar.

You are bringing a delegation to the IFM Camp 2016? You want to get involved in the preparations and decide on the camp rules together? You still have lots of questions about the camp? You want to meet the groups with whom you will share a village?

Then theEsplac_camp preparation seminar for the IFM Camp 2016 is the right place for you!

When: 29 October to 1 November 2015 Where: Salvador-Allende Haus, Oer-Erkenschwick (Germany)

During the preparation seminar, you will:

  • Get an overview over the IFM Camp and the preparation process
  • Have the possibility to find Falcon districts with whom you can share a village at the camp
  • Decide together on the camp rules
  • Create ideas for the programme areas, the evening programme, camp media and more!
  • Find out about different camp cultures and traditions in Falcon organisations

We hope very much that you can join us for the prep seminar to shape the IFM camp together!

The programme for international guests will start on Thursday evening. It will end on Sunday with lunch. If you want, you can also stay in the house until Monday.

Oer-Erkenschwick is reachable from the following airports:

  • Düsseldorf
  • Düsseldorf-Weeze (for low-cost airlines)
  • Dortmund
  • Cologne

The closest train station is RECKLINGHAUSEN.

There is funding for participants coming from specific countries outside Europe, who will be informed individually. If you would like to attend, please let us know by 30th September by writing to

If you need a visa to enter Germany, please send us a copy of your passport by 15th September.


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