The IFM-SEI Camp 2015 participation fees have been set!

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The countdown to the IFM Camp 2016 can start – only one year left! From 23rd July to 5th August next year, we will meet each other for two weeks of friendship, learning, acting and camping. Registration for the camp will open in September 2015 and if you book before 15th December, you can benefit from the early-bird booking rate.

The camp fees have been set as follows:

Before 15th December: 275 Euro for Western Europeans 180 Euro for Central and Eastern Europeans and the Middle East 100 Euro for everyone else

After 15th December: 290 Euro for Western Europeans 190 Euro for Central and Eastern Europeans and the Middle East 100 Euro for everyone else.

Don’t forget to fundraise to bring your groups to the camp! Have a look in our fundraising guide.


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