Looking for a new challenge? Want to help shape the future work of IFM-SEI? Interested in consultation and strategic planning? If the answer is yes to all of these questions, you should apply to join the IFM-SEI work plan 2016–19 development team!

IFM poster

What would I do?

The work plan 2016–19 development team will be consulting with members of all ages across the IFM-SEI regions – from the grassroots to board level – over the next year. The team will gather input from members and organisations regarding the topics and themes that they feel IFM-SEI should prioritise in order to propose a strategic work plan for 2016–19 to the IFM-SEI Congress 2016. The work plan will form the basis of IFM-SEI’s work in the next three-year mandate and the journey we will take collectively as an organisation.

The work plan 2016–19 development team will decide how best to consult with members between now and next summer. A significant part of the work plan development will take place at IFM-SEI Camp 2016: Welcome to Another World. You will work closely with the programme co-ordinators and democracy theme area to allow for participants in the camp to feed into the work plan before the IFM-SEI Congress.

Who else will be involved?

The work plan development team will be made up of four members. Two members have already been appointed from IFM-SEI Presidium; Carly Walker-Dawson from the Europe Region (Chair) and Sylvia Siqueria Campos from the Latin America Region.

The other two members will be selected through this open call. We have gender, age and region quotas in place, so we are looking for at least one of the new members to be from outside of Europe and at least one to be aged 30 or under. (There are already two members on the group who identify as women or trans* therefore the gender quota is already satisfied.)

What time would I have commit?

It is really important that you have time to commit to the work plan 2016–19 development team, as the role will require a significant time commitment. The importance of the piece of work in directing IFM-SEI’s future work means that the team needs to be able to work effectively together within set timeframes.

The work plan 2016–19 development team will work closely from selection to August 2016 following the IFM-SEI Congress 2016. The team will meet virtually to plan and implement the work plan development. You must be able to check your emails regularly, take part in video conferences and reply with feedback to the rest of the team’s work within a week when requested (unless there are exceptional circumstances).

It is not essential, but it is preferable that you attend the IFM-SEI Camp 2016, as it will be a key event in developing the work plan. If you attend the IFM-SEI Camp 2016 as part of the work plan 2016–19 development team this should be your primary volunteer role on the camp as it will require a significant time commitment; you shouldn’t also be a town co-ordinator, delegation co-ordinator or programme co-ordinator for example.

What skills and experience do I need?

You should have an understanding of IFM-SEI’s current work plan, activities, structure and governance structures. You must be able to look at the bigger picture, be objective and have an understanding of impact measurement. It is desirable that you have experience shaping or delivering organisational strategy and/or leading consultation processes. Experience of developing non-formal educational processes, delivering training and experience of design work are welcomed but not essential.

You should have the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of members, be organised and be capable of managing your own time. Analytical skills, the ability to be objective and non-judgemental and prioritisation skills are important to bring to the role, as are creativity and flexibility.

How do I apply?

You should complete the short digital form online to apply to join the work plan 2016–19 development team. Follow this link to fill in the form. The deadline to apply is *Friday 7 August. * Application Form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/WN5FKCD

What next?

All applicants will be informed if they are successful within two weeks of the close of applications and the team will have their first online meeting at the end of August.

If you have any questions or queries, email Carly at carly@ifm-sei.org and she will get back to you.


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