Our Senegalese member organisation Mouvement National des Pionniers in collaboration with the international NGO PLAN celebrated the Day of the African Child on June 20th 2015.

The even took place at the Olympic Pool of Dakar. 200 pioneer children, including so-called “talibés” (street children) spent a full day together. A caravan of volunteers moved in the streets of Dakar to raise the awareness of people about the dangers of early marriage. They distributed flyers and fun games were organised so that children could have a lot of fun. Also, discussions were initiated in groups to gather the views of children on the dangers of early marriage.Day of the Child2

The chosen theme for the Day of the African Child this year was: 25 Years after the Adoption of the African Children’s Charter: Accelerating our Collective Efforts to End Child Marriage in Africa

The day of the African Child is celebrated each year on 16th June in remembrance of the children who participated in the Soweto Uprising in 1976 and got massacred by the apartheid regime.

An article by Mamadou

Mouvement Natioanl des Pionniers du Sénégal


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