Youth organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean create a new forum in order to bring together and strengthen platforms, movements and youth organisations fighting for greater participation and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.flacj

From 12th to 15th April 2015 represen­tatives from youth movements and organisations from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe gathered in Quito, Ecuador, to found the Latin American and Caribbean Youth Forum (FLACJ). IFM-SEI was represented by its presidium member Sylvia Siqueira Campos. This Forum aims to bring together and strengthen platforms, movements and youth organizations fighting for greater participation and Human Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The idea came out of the collaboration between the Ibero-America Youth Space (EIJ), which is made up of organizations from Latin America, the Caribbean, Portugal and Spain, and the Latin American Youth Forum (FLAJ), whose activities started 23 years ago. After two years of partnership, the two organisations decided to merge into FLACJ. The Iberian members, i.e. Portugal and Spain are part of the board and collaborate with FLACJ, but do not have the right to vote.

According to Sylvia, “the objective of the Forum is to be an empowerment platform for young people in Latin America and the Caribbean, giving visibility to their struggles and initiatives in their territories”. “The FLACJ will carry on the struggles of FLAJ, articulate agendas for social change on the basis of empowerment, freedom and democracy in the region”, she points out. All IFM-SEI members in Latin America will receive the invitation to join FLACJ.

The presidency of FLACJ is held by Malena Famá, a representative of Argentinian organisation APDeNA as it was already the case in FLAJ. IFM-SEI holds the secretariat of FLACJ.

article written by Mirim Brasil


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