Violence study sessionIn cooperation with the Council of Europe, IFM-SEI held a successful study session at the European Youth Centre in Budapest.It started on 16th of November and lasted 7 fruitful days. The topic of the study session was ‘Tackling the Culture of Violence – Methodology for Human Rights Education with Children’!

With this study session we aimed to empower young leaders of children and youth groups, to educate for an environment free of violence. We raised awareness of different types of violence and reflected on our societies that deem violence acceptable and hinder children’s and young people’s access to Human Rights and development. Together we produced guidelines and educational materials that we can give to other educators to help them creating violence-free education. Mission Impossible The study session turned out to be very interesting for the 23 participants. The friendly atmosphere and the program itself led the participants tocreative and useful ideas. They designed, practised and evaluated activities on the topics of bullying,corporal punishment and gender-based violence.Parti­cipants also planned and shared their strategies for a future work on the topic in their organisations.violence study session2

Participants came from KKSP Indonesia, Mirim Brazil, Action Enfance Senegal, Esplais Catalans, SJD Die Falken, the Georgian Falcons, Woodcraft Folk and Unga Ornar as well as several new partners of IFM-SEI.

We do hope that on account of our effort we will achieve positive social change.


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