Free JosefEvery January, Europe’s right-wing elite comes together to celebrate itself at the Akademikerball in Vienna, Austria. This event is not only about dancing but mainly about networking and promoting hate speech and fascist ideology. Last year, Josef, a comrade from SJD – die Falken was arrested and charged guilty of mayhem and violation of public peace despite the fact that evidence against him was sparse and incoherent. He has to pay a penalty of more than 50.000€.

His arrest, six months in prison and conviction sparked not only a huge solidarity campaign within our movement but also many debates about antifascism today as well as international solidarity against new and old fascists. Thus, we decided to actively support our Austrian comrades in their protests against this year’s Akademi­kerball and went to Vienna. 160 German falcons joined the protests of SJÖ and Rote Falken. . Our slogan: Nehmt ihr einen von uns fest, kommt das ganze Falkennest! (Roughly translated: if you arrest one of us, we all show up!).

P.S.: Josef is free but the costs for his process and penalty are not yet covered. If you want to support him, contact our office for more information (


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