IMG_9275The next International Committee Meeting will take place from 11–14 June in Peru, hosted by our three Peruvian member organisations Mundo Nuevo, CHAP and Los Cachorros.
IC Meeting 2015

The IC meeting is taking place every year in which we do not have a Congress, and all member organisations are invited to take part in this important statutory meeting.

This year, the meeting will take place close to Lima, in Peru. We will be hosted by CHAP, Los Cachorros and Mundo Nuevo in the beautiful Centro Demacer in the Peruvian countryside. During two days, we discuss developments in the strategy and work plan of IFM-SEI, take decisions about our movement, look at the finances and also learn together and share experiences in different areas.

All member organisations already received the convening letter for the International Committee Meeting, so contact your central office for more information about delegates. The registration of delegations is open until 31st March 2015.


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