giphyA big congratulations to the new leadership of IFM-SEI who will steer the organisation for the next three years!

President: Sylvia Siqueira Campos (Mirim Brasil)

Secretary General: Carly Walker-Dawson (Woodcraft Folk UK)

African region Presidium members: Mame Diarra Ndour (Action Enfance Senegal), Mamadou Mbow  (Pionniers du Senegal)

Asian region Presidium members: Tara Damanik (KKSP Indonesia), Nishaben Vasava (Antar Bharati India)

European region Presidium members: Sabine Troitzsch (SJD – Die Falken Germany), Heidi Niemi (Nuoret Kotkat Finland)

Latin American region Presidium members: Karlha Villavicencio Barrantes (CHAP Peru), Ronald Salas (Mundo Nuevo Peru)

Middle Eastern region Presidium members: Dani Efrati (NOV Israel), Ola Qawasmi (IYF Palestine)

Control Commission: Itziar Perez (Esplac Catalonia), Yaara Mizrachi (Hashomer Hatzair Israel), Christina Schauer (Rote Falken Austria)


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