In this project we will look at the prevention of sexual violence from the bystander approach. You are an active bystander when you take responsibility and choose to act when you see something happening that could lead to an act of sexual violence. Each individual action might not seem like it will make a difference but if we all choose to act, it can create a much bigger change.
'I Act' is the new project of IFM-SEI funded by the European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe. And is a development of the online campaign we ran in 2016. More about it here.
Whether spoken or unspoken, sexual violence is a global reality. Societal structures of patriarchy, violence and power, provide the perfect context. As members of this flawed society, we can and will replicate its failings even in the safe and idealist spaces we strive to create.
It is no secret that sexual violence is everyone’s problem. What’s less spoken, however, is that it is everyone's responsibility to act and prevent it. So often in life, we are bystanders and passive. Unfortunately, some of these times we’re bystanders in the event or forerunners of sexual violence. Weather a glance, a question or conversation, the smallest of interventions can make the greatest of differences. It will multiply, educate and inspire the greatly needed cultural change for preventing sexual violence.
Here at “I act” this is what we’re all about. I act is an international campaign that aims to aid us all in the active instigating of social change towards eliminating sexual violence, both within our organizations and the greater world. At I act, no active bystander is ever alone. We offer self-reflective training for the leaders of our organizations to recognize sexual violence and the intersections of power it exists. Online, we present educational resources that aid us in reflecting on our own power and how we can use it as a positive force for prevention of sexual violence.
I ACT is not simply a platform for education, but a collaborative movement and support for all of us exercising social change towards a world free of sexual violence. Online, we present the “Map of action”, where each green thumb represents a time and place that one of us has acted in the prevention of sexual violence. This year, the 25th of November will be a date to remember; the global action day for I ACT IFM-SEI’s prevention of sexual violence.
On the 25th, and all other days we invite you to join us, to reflect and educate, and act on the power we have, as individuals and together, to prevent sexual violence.
With the suppoprt of